Underwater photography tips
We all enjoy keeping memories of our travel experiences, especially underwater, so making sure we can get a nice underwater picture during a dive is an amazing way to show our friends and family what we have experienced. Here are 5 tips on how to improve our UW photography skills:
1 – Master your buoyancy control, understand how to keep neutrally buoyant while choosing the right amount of weight and the right BCD.
2 – Understand the marine life and the environment you intend to photograph, by doing that it will be easier to spot them and to make sure they won’t run away just at that moment you are about to shoot.
3 – Stay shallow. The deeper you go, the less light and color you will have. If you have to go deep, use a flash or a strobe.
4 – Get close to the subject and shoot in an upward angle.
5 – Try to avoid centering the subject for a better composition.
It’s quite helpful to take some courses such as underwater photography, peak performance buoyancy or fish identification.
Enjoy it!!!